Murals, Mental Health and Making a Difference: The Top 10 Posts of 2018

Welp. It’s finally here. The end of 2018. Another year in the books for this crazy world we live in. And just like years past, we never ran out of stories to tell.

IRL, 2018 has been … entertaining, to say the least. There was the royal wedding. Laurel and Yanny became the new “blue and black / white and gold” dress. Office productivity plummeted one day as the world watched a racoon climb a building. IHop tried a weird new thing with burgers. And we all lost a little faith in the future of humanity when kids started eating Tide Pods.  

Same rings true for the Nebo blog in 2018. This year we covered everything from agency life and industry tips to mental health and (yes, you probably guessed it) our furry, four-legged friends.

So, as we prepare for a new year (and start making predictions on what kids will eat in 2019), take a look back at the posts that topped the charts in our countdown of the most popular stories of 2018:

10.  Strange and Stupid Things That Agency People Do

9. 10 Years Ago Cami Changed Nebo. Here’s Her Story.

8. Twitter’s Not Dead

7. The Modern SEO’s Technical Toolkit

6. Walls Are the Windows to an Agency’s Soul

5. Promoting Content on Social: The What, The Why and The How


4. Making a Difference, One Wiggle at a Time

3. Ending the Stigma: Mental Health Shouldn’t Be Taboo at Work

2. How Self-Driving Cars are Shaping the Future

Driverless Car Image

1. How Agencies Ushered in Factory Farming


Written by Anna Morgan on December 27, 2018


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Written by
Anna Morgan
Director of Content