AiMA's Content Matters Event: Exploring Strategies to Attract, Engage & Retain Customers
Between all the bites of taquitos and exchanging of business cards, the Global Learning Center at Georgia Tech was buzzing with marketing professionals gleaning new insights at the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association's (AiMA) Content Matters event Wednesday night. Moderated by Colleen Jones, Principal of Content Science, the event consisted of a panel of interactive specialists from companies both large and small. Each panelist shared how they are making content work for their businesses.
Stop Knocking the New Facebook and Start Taking Notes
Facebook’s new look has completely changed in just a few weeks, and everyone is asking the same question: What’s up with all the changes? Now, more of your old friends appear in your timeline, you can track constant updates in real time through a news ticker, and automated groups show up on the left panel. Less transparent is the number of changes occurring behind the scenes to make sure the content you see isn’t a bunch of Farmville updates and spam from brands. These changes keep Facebook from suffering the same fate as its long-ago rival, MySpace.
Why Customized Content Isn't as Great (or as horrible) As It Seems
Once upon a time, when the Internet was young, people like Al Gore called it the Information Superhighway. The nickname was in reference to the massive amounts of information we would have access to, being linked to other people, places, things and ideas from all around the world. According to Eli Pariser, however, that theory is becoming just as antiquated as it’s former pseudonym.
"Just Be Yourself" & Other Branding Lies You Learned In High School
Proms, popularity contests, and Friday night football. These are some of the elements that helped define our identities at a special place called high school. The glory days for some and a time best forgotten for others, it is here that we learned valuable lessons about who we are and our place in society.
There's More to User Experience than Getting From Point A to Point B
Last September, Google introduced its Instant Search application. By providing "instant" results, users would save about 2-5 seconds per search, with a global user estimate of about 11 hours saved per second.