Two Changes I Made During COVID-19 That Made Me a Better Project Manager
I’m a project manager and a chronic people pleaser, so I’ve always taken on a lot of responsibilities. Strategist, resource trafficker, inbox junkie, cheerleader and sometimes perpetual thorn in your side, to name a few. In normal times, I had to be organized, thick-skinned, a creative problem solver, great communicator, emotionally intelligent and able to inspire teams to get things done.
But “normal times” went out the window on March 13, 2020.
The Project Manager’s Guide to Actually Accomplishing Your New Year’s Resolutions
As 2019 came to a merciful end, I, like many of you, started both reflecting on 2019 and looking ahead into 2020. I went into last year riding the wave of a wonderful year of personal growth, so my 2019 resolutions revolved around carrying that momentum into the coming year. My resolutions were something like “learn to sew,” “strengthen my friendships” and “keep self-reflecting and improving.”
As a project manager, setting and achieving goals is literally how I make my living, so I figured I had this in the bag. I rang in 2019 with high expectations that I was going into my best year ever. Oh, what a fool I was!
You Suck at Time Management (But That’s OK, You Can Fix It)
Time management is something that everyone thinks they’re good at, but few actually are. There are a number of different reasons for this, and a big one is that time management isn’t actually what we think it is — it has nothing to do with managing time. I know, I know, that doesn't make any sense, but think about it - you can’t actually manage time, can you? It’s going to pass whether you like it or not. What we call “time management” is really behavior management and it’s all about managing your productivity within the time you’re given. For the sake of this blog post, however, we’ll continue to call it time management.