Introducing Nebo's New Home
When we first moved to the Westside twelve years ago, the neighborhood was drastically different. Octane Coffee was the only restaurant within walking distance. It was us, a couple of legacy businesses focused on light industrial and retail, a few startup companies, and a smattering of art galleries that called the Marietta St. and Howell Mill corridor home.
As the neighborhood changed, we grew. From five employees to 25 employees to our current staff of nearly 100 incredible folks. So in the summer of 2019, when we received notice that our right to renew our office lease had been revoked by our landlord, we realized this was an opportunity for our company to find a location and a space that would provide us a home for years to come.
Make a Difference This Giving Tuesday (And Get Amazing Art, Too)
Each year we launch holiday season campaigns. Most are Black Friday or Cyber Monday-focused, but they’re always fun, challenging and, of course, a bit stressful. But as marketers, that’s our job. It’s our prime time, so to speak.
However, we don’t always get to make the world a better place with our holiday campaigns. This year we do.
We had the honor and privilege of working with IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) to launch their 2018 year-end giving campaign.
Winning the War Against Fake News
Fake news is a hot topic at the moment, and while everyone is talking about it, the term has drastically different meanings to different people.
Before we can even begin to discuss how to combat the problem of fake news, we first must define what fake news is.
Let’s start by talking about what fake news is not.
Happy Handmade Holidays from Nebo
The holidays are all about spending time with those you love most. At Nebo, our list includes each other, our dogs and, of course, our clients. To ring in the holiday season, we designed and printed custom gift wrap to send to our clients — it’s our way of saying “thanks” for all they do. Without them, we wouldn’t be here!
Take a look at the video to see how it all came together. Happy Holidays!
Lessons from the Creative Trenches
Over the last couple of weeks, as I’ve had the opportunity to knock the dust off, dig into photoshop and do some client-facing design work, a few important lessons stood out.