The Top 10 Takeaways from MozCon Local
MozCon Local took place recently in Seattle, and industry leaders wasted no time before pulling us head first into their experiment findings, research, insights and predictions. We all know SEO is evolving because that’s been the nature of the industry since its inception. However, things seem to be changing faster than ever as technology progresses and search algorithms become more complex.
Winning the War Against Fake News
Fake news is a hot topic at the moment, and while everyone is talking about it, the term has drastically different meanings to different people.
Before we can even begin to discuss how to combat the problem of fake news, we first must define what fake news is.
Let’s start by talking about what fake news is not.
#OscarsSoOldFashioned: How to Lose Friends and Alienate Customers
For the first time more than a decade, I missed the Academy Awards. This omission wasn’t by choice, and it certainly wasn’t for a lack of trying. About an hour before the stars hit the red carpet, I began scouring the internet for ways to stream the ceremony online. It’s 2017. Surely there’s a way to watch a ceremony viewed by a “billion people” worldwide, on the biggest communication platform humanity has ever invented.
But no.
Why We Shave Our Legs: From Sex to Sexism
Many great things have come from the minds of advertisers. Father’s Day. The Egg McMuffin. Countless turns of phrase: “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride”; “When you got it, flaunt it”. Unfortunately, a lot of terrible things have come from advertisers too. Bic for Her pens. Dr. Pepper 10. Low-cal beer in special slim cans — designed for the dainty grip of the weaker sex, of course.
When it comes to sexist marketing ploys, our industry is historically guilty for creating some of the dumbest shit on Earth.
So, the question was asked the other day: did we make shaving a thing for women?
E Pluribus Unum: The Top Ad Campaigns That Bring Us Together
Regardless of what side of the aisle you’re on, I think we’d all agree that we’re living in tumultuous times.
It’s not a surprise that anything seemingly kumbaya is met with opposition and backlash. But here at Nebo, being kumbaya is pretty important to us. We believe that diversity and inclusion are what make our country, and our company, great.
What It Means to Live Our Values: A Cynic’s Take
I jokingly like to refer to myself as Old Man Slutzky. While I in no way feel old, 2017 will — terrifyingly — be my 20th year of working in advertising. With this, I have had a number of jobs over the course of my career. Independent of various freelance gigs, Nebo is my seventh full-time agency job.
And while I have only been here a little over three months, I feel like I have found something profoundly different. And in turn, quite meaningful.